Friday, July 11, 2008

A Study in Liberal Media Hypocrisy

Talk about a study of opposites between two recent major flooding crisis in America, and a classic case becomes the vast difference between how people in New Orleans responded to their crisis verses how the people in Iowa responded to their crisis. The liberal press has conveniently moved-on to news items that support their radical socialist agenda and criticisms of conservatives. New Orleans fit their agenda well as a population of helpless victims. Iowa did not fit their agenda. In Iowa's circumstance, there was virtually no looting, no people wandering the streets looking to cause trouble, no grocery carts being pushed through the water carrying stolen property, no people sitting on house tops waiting for the government to come and rescue them, no lawbreakers taking shots at rescue vehicles, no police officers abandoning their responsibilities, no low-life's complaining how the government and Bush were failing them. People evacuated when they were told to leave. They didn't whine, gripe or blame the government for the broken levees. They did what responsible people do in a crisis: they worked together as a team to get things accomplished in spite of their circumstances. In New Orleans, the Democrat reaction called it a "racist" plan to wipe out the blacks. In Iowa, it was a work ethic that motivated people to solve the problem as best they could by their own efforts. And that's why the liberal press quickly dropped the Iowa flooding stories. Liberals always claim victimization. And any national tragedy where the liberal press cannot report victimization is not news worthy.

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