Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Islam supports the Democrats

Ironically, while Islam stands for everything counter to the active factions in the Democrat Party (e.g. feminism, abortion, homosexuality, anti-Iraq war and environmentalism), Islam in America favors the Democrats. Islamic front-groups like CAIR support the Democrat Party and Obama. Such hypocrisy is appalling.

In fact, the first Muslim elected to Congress is Democrat Keith Ellison. Ellison, who converted to Islam as a 19-year-old college student in his native Detroit, won with the help of Muslims among a coalition of liberal, anti-war voters. He advocates an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq along with strongly liberal views. While Ellison did not often speak of his faith during the campaign, awareness of his candidacy drew interest from Muslims well beyond his district centered in Minneapolis. Ellison, speaking at the annual convention of the Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America, said that Muslims can help teach America about justice and equal protection. Of course, any serious student of Islam knows that this is an outright lie. American justice and equal protection came through its Judeo-Christian teachings and Islam has NOTHING to offer.

Suggesting a divine Islamic calling, Ellison asked, "Muslims, you're up to bat right now, how do you know that you were not brought right here to this place to learn how to make this world better?" And of course, being better means being a Muslim Democrat--at least on the surface and for now. Islam, when in the minority in a country like the USA, always calls for "equal justice" and "tolerance". But when it becomes a majority, equal justice and tolerance are some of the first things it eliminates. History shows that Islam's justice is always the sword for non-Muslims. America's liberals had better wake-up with a reality douse and see this danger before it's too late.

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