A popular movie series of comedy and goofy antics filmed in the 1940’s and early 1950’s were the six “Road” movies* starting Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and the beautiful Dorothy Lamour. While posing as free-loading playboys on journeys of worldwide adventure, Hope and Crosby typically turn out to be con-artists with serial patty-pan punching techniques, cheating people with various schemes while both fall for Dorothy’s influence and charm. The slapstick gags and far-feached story plot featured in each film utilized the trio's comedy skills that allowed for a continuing movie series in which the progressing films became zanier and goofier.
Fast forward to 2008. We now have our own new trio of political artists staring in a new “Road” film under production that will be titled the “Road to Retreat”. The stars of this film are none other than Jack Murtha, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi. Unfortunately, this Congressional "comedy" team actually thinks that most Americans buy their attempts to “act” as serious politico-thespians who are concerned about America’s best interests in today's hostile world. But Murtha and Reid’s character as “con-artists” is showing beyond any doubt, along with their serial patty-pan punching techniques, and their kowtowing to the influence of Pelosi’s political "charm".
Look for this same trio to star in the forthcoming Road series (which certainly will become a series of zanier antics in forth coming episodes) if Obama is elected President: “Road to Appeasement”, “Road to Sell-out”, "Road to Nowhere" and “Road to Destruction”. These ‘films’ are all under the bad direction and high production costs of the Democrat Congress. Unfortunately, nobody who watches them will be laughing when they leave the theatre. And no matter how hard the Democrats try, there won't be a Road to Utopia.
(*Road to Singapore, Road to Zanzabar, Road to Morocco, Road to Utopia, Road to Rio, and Road to Bali)
Fast forward to 2008. We now have our own new trio of political artists staring in a new “Road” film under production that will be titled the “Road to Retreat”. The stars of this film are none other than Jack Murtha, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi. Unfortunately, this Congressional "comedy" team actually thinks that most Americans buy their attempts to “act” as serious politico-thespians who are concerned about America’s best interests in today's hostile world. But Murtha and Reid’s character as “con-artists” is showing beyond any doubt, along with their serial patty-pan punching techniques, and their kowtowing to the influence of Pelosi’s political "charm".
Look for this same trio to star in the forthcoming Road series (which certainly will become a series of zanier antics in forth coming episodes) if Obama is elected President: “Road to Appeasement”, “Road to Sell-out”, "Road to Nowhere" and “Road to Destruction”. These ‘films’ are all under the bad direction and high production costs of the Democrat Congress. Unfortunately, nobody who watches them will be laughing when they leave the theatre. And no matter how hard the Democrats try, there won't be a Road to Utopia.
(*Road to Singapore, Road to Zanzabar, Road to Morocco, Road to Utopia, Road to Rio, and Road to Bali)
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