Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Obama Words

Obamamania: a psychological-induced frenzy that typically effects young liberals of voting age as well as old liberal feminists and the news media, producing in the individual a false sense of political optimism and security without any factual concrete evidence to back-up the euphoria.

Obamaphobia: a inert fear of Hillary Clinton and any other politician or Fox News commentator who is against Obama. Often hits with hot flashes and high body temperature.

Obamacide: what will happen to American government and America if Obama is elected: the swing into full-blown socialism.

Obamaphile: a Democrat-Socialist who worships Obama, even though their candidate has no resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, nothing but abstract empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.
Obamaocrat: a Democrat-Socialist who has moved spiritually into the next level of political karma, really believing that Obama is the political savior who not only will bring utopian "change" but will be the great uniter of political and social factions within America, even though no politician has ever been able to accomplish this feat in the history of the world.

Obamasized: the effect that Obama's rhetoric has upon Obamaphiles, specifically turning off and shutting down any ability to think independently about the truthfulness of what the candidate has said and continues to spew out. This is similar to a drug-induced stupor.

Obamation: the process by which Obama will change the US economy, bring world peace, solve the energy crisis, and persuade world dictators that their politics are wrong. Of course, this process is highly theoretical and totally unproven, as well as being vague and ambigious.

Obamanation: what the US absolutely does not need.

Obamatron: the final terminal state of an Obamaphile, where the brain totally shuts down all rational thinking, and the individual becomes a zombie, with a constant dribble from the nose and mouth.

Obamabate: self-induced sexual excitement thinking about Obama. One liberal media type has publically shown signs of this malady indicating that he gets a "thrill down his leg" upon hearing Obama speak.

Obamanomics: the provenly false Kenysian economic philosophy that raising personal and corporate taxes will improve the economy. In reality, the "goose" laying the golden eggs is chocked to death, and profit incentives are reduced while government entitlements increase.

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