George Orwell's book "1984" while written in 1948, protrayed a world of mind and thought control by the government's "Big Brother". Majority rule was stamped out, and the government declared what can be thought.
Fast forward to 2008 America. The impossibility of this happening in America is now becoming reality, now with the state of Colorado, led by their Democrat-Socialist legislators and governor, are poised to dump onto the citizens of Colorado, via Senate Bill 200. California already fell into this Pandora's Box with its passage of SB777, see my article:
This homosexual pushed and sponsored bill in Colorado, conceived and vastly over-written piece of legislation is designed to forcibly normalize all varieties of sexual orientation. This pushed to the forfront the liberal's agenda to end all discrimination, for all reasons, in all places, erroneously equating perverse sexual orientation and practices with normalicy. With SB200, there is no longer two "sexes"; rather a brave new world with a myriad of "sexual orientations" is entered, a world in which there must be no sexual discrimination, upon pain of the substantial civil and criminal penalities contained in the bill.
The passage of this bill will indeed open wide the door of Pandora's Box for sociatal confussion. In the bill, "sexual orientation"is defined as "a person's orientation toward heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, or transgender status or another person's perception thereof." This latter term includes cross-dressers, men who self-identify as women, women who self-identify as men, and people who are in the process of deciding exactly what they are.
Therefore, areas that specifically identified entrance based upon sex (e.g. restrooms) are now open to ANYONE. In addition, a refusal to do business with someone based upon a sincerely held religious belief that homosexuality is wrong according to God's Law, would violate human law. That threatens the religious liberties of every Christian, Jew or Muslim business owner who operates a business on faith-based principles. Colorado, in addition to civil fines and penalities, would under this bill prosecute small business owners under criminal law, and violators could spend up to one year in jail for tying to live according to their faith.
Thus the fruit of a secular American society continues to blossom forth with its spots of moral cancer. Once again, the tic on the flea on the tail of the dog is given the ability to wag the dog. And once again, the political party that fully agrees with this abomination is the Democrats, showing again their true color as secular, progressive, socialistic, communists, void of all moral values.
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