Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Reply to a Liberal Columnist


Lisa Pampuch's column of 9/16 reveals that she suffers from an advanced case of LMDD (Liberal Myopic Degenerative Disorder), for what else can be concluded after she says that Barrack Obama will give America a better future? I believe that an objective evaluation of evidence shows that Mr. Obama is 180 degrees away from Ms. Pampuch's ideal truth-teller. And I would challenge her to deny each of the following points for her "hero", specifically:

1. Obama continues to hide the fact that he is a member supporter of the far leftwing Democratic Socialists of America. Obama's socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for an Illinois state senate seat. Later, the Chicago DSA newsletter reported that Obama, as a state senator, showed up to eulogize Saul Mendelson, one of the "champions" of "Chicago's democratic left" and a long-time socialist activist. Obama's stint as a "community organizer" in Chicago has gotten some attention, but his relationship with the DSA socialists, who groomed and backed him, has been generally ignored. Obama has never renounced ANY of his socialist leanings.

2. Obama supports the Black Liberation Theology of his former mentor but still friend Rev. Jeremiah Wright, which upon careful examination, is more Marxist than Christian, and reflects the movement's class dialectic that remains unabashedly race-based. Wright's racist rages against white America is well documented.

3. Obama is the documented candidate of choice for the Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, the Communist Party USA, the Socialist Party USA, and other leftwing anti-America organizations, as well as the political regime of Iran. If the Communist Party USA is happy with Obama, which they are, then clearly he is not someone who is willing to advance American interests anywhere -- and therefore should not be given the keys to the White House.

4. Obama is anti-US Military. Just four years ago, Sen. John Kerry strode onstage at the Democrat National Convention and declared, "I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty." In the course of the contest between Kerry and Bush, John Kerry and the Democrats set up the John Kerry Test for Presidential Qualification, one which George W. Bush could only fail, and one which only John Kerry could pass. There are three points to the test: One: To be qualified to be president, a candidate must have military service. Two: Active duty service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, in a war zone, trumps National Guard service in the states. Three: Active duty service in actual combat trumps service that did not see combat. It appears that Democrats have long since forgotten all about the John Kerry Test, rather nominating Obama, who fails to meet any of the three points of the John Kerry Test, for president. Obama has never been anywhere near the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, or National Guard, in war or in peace.He has no active duty service, no reserve service, no military service of any kind. He has never served in a war zone and he has never been in combat. He fails the John Kerry Test in every respect.

5. Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion presidential candidate ever. He is so pro-abortion he refused as an Illinois state senator to support legislation to protect babies who survived late-term abortions because he did not want to concede -- as he explained in a cold-blooded speech on the Illinois Senate floor -- that these babies, fully outside their mothers' wombs, with their hearts beating and lungs heaving, were in fact "persons." His pro-abortion record is undisputed.

6. Obama will raise taxes, embrace illegal immigrants, increase gun control, increase welfare payments and move America further towards a fully-blown Socialist State of Big Brother control.
The fact is Ms. Pampuch, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, nothing but abstract empty rhetoric devoid of real substance. He has no real identity.
He is a puppet controlled by his liberal masters. That Ms. Pampuch, is not putting the country first.